Catholic schools deserve the best textbooks. With Catholic Textbook Project, you can bring balance, perspective, and hope back into the hearts and minds of your students—these are the only history textbooks written with the freedom for truth that Catholic schools enjoy. Our textbooks meet and exceed standards while educating and inspiring students with the great drama of our history.

History Series
Textbooks and Resources for Your Classroom

Your students deserve the full story of history. Our narrative-driven textbooks proceed from the insight that history is irrevocably transformed by Christ and his Church. Invite students to discover their place in the epic of mankind and Salvation History.
Our textbooks are designed to:
Engage young minds
Uncover the truth without fear or favor
Deliver rigorous accuracy
Rise above secular biases and political agendas
Ignite curiosity and wonder
Our textbooks are unlike any others on the market today. Explore below to browse according to suggested grade level, and request a sample to see the difference for yourself. Our textbooks are flexible to meet your school’s curriculum sequencing, so contact us today to learn how our textbooks can meet your school’s unique needs!
4th Grade
A Journey Across America Series
Volumes in the Journey Across America series are written for the fourth grade, when most states cover regional or state history. Select your region below to see the volume that focuses on your local area.
Late Middle School to Early High School
Light to the Nations, Part I
Drawing on the work of Catholic historians of the 20th century, this volume delves into the effect on human civilization wrought by the Christian Faith. The authors have crafted a Catholic and accurate account of our Western heritage to convey our story to youth.
Late Middle School to Early High School
Light to the Nations, Part II
This volume shows how modern ideas, institutions, and culture have developed from the high centuries of Christian culture. Drawing on the guidance of Catholic thinkers and the popes, this history presents the hope that Christian thought and work hold for the future.

We understand how important it is that the curriculum you choose aligns with local standards for history education. Click below to access a detailed correlations chart to see how our history textbooks more than just meet national history standards—they exceed them. You’ll also be able to compare the individual requirements for your state.
We’ve curated supplemental resources and additional learning activities to accompany every chapter in our textbooks for Grades 5–8. Digital access is free with
your Teacher Manual, and your access will also give you tests, quizzes, and answer keys, all in one convenient location.
These resources are specially curated to invite your students deeper into the story of history, and they include:
Classic art
Music selections
Original documents
Teacher Manuals
Our teacher’s manuals are developed for teachers, by teachers around the time tested strategy of “less is more.” These resources do not overwhelm with unnecessary information—they are simply intended to supplement the carefully crafted textbooks, providing teachers with the space to uniquely work with his or her students’ needs.
Student Workbooks
Our workbooks are thoughtfully designed to help students internalize the subject matter and have a deeper experience of history’s many lessons without overwhelming them. The workbook is a soft-cover consumable book with smooth-perforation pages for easy removal, containing over 100 pages of exercises and activities.

I wish you could have seen the reactions by the teachers to your textbook samples. There was such joy in their faces when they saw the way the books were formatted and the accompanying materials. I knew I would be a villain if I exposed them to your books and was unable to secure them for their students.
Monica M. Lomenzo
Do the textbooks meet state standards?These series are written for the broad-based national norms for teaching history. They meet most state standards. Correlation charts can be found on the “State Standards” page of our website. Our textbooks are also excellent tools for the Common Core Standards requirements for Reading Standards for Literacy in History/Social Studies. Important Note: There are currently no Common Core Standards for History/Social Studies.
Why do I need Catholic textbooks that are not religion books?All over the country, dioceses, bishops, and superintendents are calling for a return to “Catholic Identity” in our schools. The number one mission goal for the Archdiocese of Washington, D.C., is “Catholic Identity.” The Western Catholic Education Association just passed a resolution to include “Catholic Identity” as an essential element of accreditation for Catholic schools. In the tract The Holy See’s Teaching On Catholic Schools, the Church emphasizes that Catholic identity is achieved, in part, through a curriculum infused by the truth of the Catholic Faith. This is the newest and greatest need in Catholic schools, and Catholic Textbook Project is at the forefront of providing “Catholic Tools for Catholic Schools”®.
Do you offer ebook versions of your textbooks?Yes, all of our books can be purchased in eBook format. Contact our Sales Representative, Thomas McAnerney, to learn more.