Catholic schools deserve the best textbooks. With Catholic Textbook Project, you can bring balance, perspective, and hope back into the hearts and minds of your students—these are the only history textbooks written with the freedom for truth that Catholic schools enjoy. Our textbooks meet and exceed standards while educating and inspiring students with the great drama of our history.

1. Do you offer ebook versions of your textbooks?
Yes, all of our books can be purchased in eBook format. Contact our Sales Representative, Thomas McAnerney, to learn more.
2. Do the textbooks meet State Standards?
These series are written for the broad-based national norms for teaching history. They meet most state standards. Correlation charts can be found on the “State Standards” page of our website.
Our textbooks are also excellent tools for the Common Core Standards requirements for Reading Standards for Literacy in History/Social Studies. Important Note: There are currently no Common Core Standards for History/Social Studies.
3. Do your science books align to the NGSS?
We have completed a correlation for Novare Science and NGSS, and we are happy to report that they meet and exceed the NGSS. You can view that correlation at this link.
4. Why do I need Catholic textbooks that are not religion books?
All over the country, dioceses, bishops, and superintendents are calling for a return to “Catholic Identity” in our schools. The number one mission goal for the Archdiocese of Washington, D.C., is “Catholic Identity.”
The Western Catholic Education Association just passed a resolution to include “Catholic Identity” as an essential element of accreditation for Catholic schools. In the tract The Holy See’s Teaching On Catholic Schools, the Church emphasizes that Catholic identity is achieved, in part, through a curriculum infused by the truth of the Catholic Faith.
This is the newest and greatest need in Catholic schools, and Catholic Textbook Project is at the forefront of providing “Catholic Tools for Catholic Schools”®.
5. What can I do to get these textbooks into my child’s school?
Familiarize yourself with the compelling movement to increase Catholic identity in Catholic education today. Almost every principal and teacher, and even superintendents, have been very excited about the opportunity offered by CTP to provide a more excellent Catholic education.
Try to help arrange a “sponsorship” relationship between a benefactor (such as the local Knights of Columbus chapter) and the school. A sponsor could offer a grant to purchase a set of books for a classroom or several classrooms. This has already worked in other schools around the country.
6. Can we purchase your textbook using state funds?
Catholic Textbook Project books can be purchased with state funding in many cases. Contact Thomas McAnerney to see if the Catholic Textbook Project is a qualified vendor for your state.
7. What is covered in each book?
You can see the full scope and sequence of each book on this page.
8. What is the best way to pace a chapter, and how many days should each chapter take?
Follow the bold red headings in our textbooks to break up lessons as you make your way through each chapter. We have teacher Vincent DeLuca explain pacing in this video. While the whole video is fantastic, he discusses lesson implementation and pacing at the 12:30 mark.
9. What is included in the Teacher’s Manual?
The Teacher’s Guide includes outlines, timeline information, lists of key words and key people, quizzes, tests, chapter summaries, suggested related literature titles and other reference works for research projects, extra activities, pronunciation guides, and other information. Also available are PDF Test booklets for each title. Go to the Textbooks page for more information.
10. What digital resources do you offer?
We are excited to offer a wide variety of trusted digital resources for your 5th–8th grade books. We have carefully selected primary sources, videos, maps, timelines, and much more to enhance the textbook experience. Our resources save teachers time by providing high-quality and trusted resources.
11. Do you have Student Workbooks?
We provide printed workbooks for most of our textbooks. Go to the Textbooks page for more information.
12. What is the best way to implement the workbook into a chapter lesson?
Workbooks can be implemented in a variety of ways. Some teachers use them for guided reading before the lesson, while others use it as review afterward. We have also had teachers use the workbook as a framework for creating multiple-choice answers for their quizzes and tests.
13. Will you be publishing any other textbooks besides history textbooks?
We will be working on both science and language arts volumes following completion of the social studies/history books. It is essential to introduce sound scientific thought, with the essential deference to our Creator and loving God, to our children in Catholic schools so we can teach them to think through the myriad of moral-science issues facing ours and future generations. In preparation for living out the call to become disciples, young people need to have a broad understanding of the body of excellent literature and become masters of the written and spoken word. CTP will make this possible with a first rate language arts program based on the time-honored traditions of literature, grammar, logic, and rhetoric.